Satire is a Bitch

NY’er smarty-pants expect too much from us?

They say it’s social commentary on how the republicans have been portraying Mr. and Mrs. Obama.

Do The New Yorker smarty-pants expect too much from us?

They say it’s satire. They say it’s social commentary on how the republicans and conservative media have been portraying Mr. and Mrs. Obama. And while they are right on the money, have the smarty-pants at The New Yorker overestimated the sense of irony, humor and overall intelligence of middle America?

I know, middle America catches a lot of shit for not being hip or sophisticated enough to understand big-city humor, but I have to say, this cover was a brave call no matter where the targeted audience. I found it funny, but only after a moment of gazing. I’ll admit that my first thought was, “God how horrible.” And I’d like to think that I’m a somewhat hip, sophisticated big-city guy.

Satire can indeed be a bitch. It’s a fine line to walk wrought with knots that can trip up funny intentions, replacing them with confusion and misunderstanding. And since the Obama camp, the McCain camp and other cosmopolitan establishments have condemned the cover, perhaps we’ve all been duped.

Duped by a political machine so adept at spinning negativity that someone poking fun at it acts to empower it. When this happens, we the people have lost touch with reality. Before the battle for an honest political campaign is lost forever to the idiocy of bigotry and hatred (and no sense of humor), please take a moment to pause, think and maybe even laugh.

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