What is it exactly? Does it even exist?
Really people, has the world gone completely mad? Are there actually people out there that consider symbols like Santa Claus and the Christmas tree to be religious? Apparently, yes because people get all freaked out when they see these things on government or public property, but no Menorah or other religious symbol.
They claim that the government is playing favorites with the Christians. Hello!! I hate to break the news to you all, but there is absolutely nothing Christian about the Christmas tree which is an old German tradition with roots in pagan beliefs. The jolly, fat Santa Claus character we all know and love today was created in 1931 by the Coca-Cola company.
The wise men did not show up to the manger with glass balls and tinsel. And baby Jesus did not leave milk and cookies out for Santa so he’d get a good gift. Christmas as a holiday in the western world has always been more heavily based upon gift giving and feasting than the birth of Christ. Then there is the rampant commercialism that brainwashes the masses to buy this or watch that. And all during this time of year there are two simple words we use as a greeting.
Saying, “Merry Christmas” is one of the nicer parts of the season simply meant to make people feel good, no matter what their religion may be. It is in no way the same as saying, “God bless you.” Nor—as some nut cases would have you think—does it mean, “Hey you there! Believe in my God or else!” It is not the battle cry for Christians trying to convert Jews or Muslims or whoever.
I myself do not subscribe to any one religion and I personally choose not to decorate my house because I simply do not like the inconvenience of it all. I do however believe in the season. I love getting together with friends and family. I also love how it makes everyone just a little bit nicer. That is except when shopping, which is why I shop online.
So my point is, let Santa hang out in front of your city hall. He is a symbol of jolliness and giving and what the hell is so wrong with that? And let your school or airport or other public place put up a Christmas tree, even if they choose not to put up a Menorah. The tree is just a pretty decoration, that’s it and nothing more. Of course a manger scene is different. That is actually a serious religious expression and should be paired with other symbols to be fair. And all the while, go ahead and say Merry Christmas to anyone you please.
Oh one last thing; if you are Christian, please don’t get upset over the use of Xmas instead of Christmas. This is not a slight against your beliefs. It is just an abbreviation of a word that has lost much of its religious meaning over the past century or so. In fact, up until the mid 19th century, many puritanical Christians refused to celebrate Christmas because of its pagan roots. Therefore, religious connections to the Christmas of today are both young and fairly weak.
So, Merry Christmas! And chill out a little, OK?!