9/11 – Seven Years Later

When normalcy obscures even the deepest emotion. I heard myself ask in my head, “Why are those flags at half mast?” In an instant, my heart dropped.

I was really disappointed in myself today. As I walked thru the streets of NYC, I heard a little voice ask in my head, “Why are those flags at half mast?”

In an instant, my heart dropped.

Seven years. Has it really been that long already? The laughs that were at once violently ripped from me on 9/11 now seem distant and sadly faint.

I always knew we would have to get back to normal at some point. It’s what we were told to do. Still I never thought I’d have even the slightest, most minute lapse in memory. It almost made me cry.

I miss those people. Even the ones I never met. I miss those buildings and that innocent arrogance of New York being untouchable until smacked.

As much as I hate those who did this to us, I equally hate the media and politicians who continue to use that tragic day as a platform for propaganda and fear-based agendas. Yes I’m talking to you Fox News, Rudy Giuliani and the Bush administration.

But I won’t do that today. I won’t cry or get angry. I will simply think of a lost friend and his love for cigars, suits and Dean Martin. I will be thankful for those who–by some act of God or luck or whatever–survived.

And I will remember these words and happy times.

Powder your face with sunshine
Put on a great big smile
Make up your eyes with laughter
Folks will be laughing with you in a little while
Whistle a tune of gladness
Blue never was in style
The future’s brighter when hearts are lighter
So smile smile smile

Powder your face with sunshine
Put on a great big smile
Make up your eyes with laughter
Folks will be laughing with you in a little while
Whistle a tune of gladness
Blue never was in style
The future’s brighter when hearts are lighter
Future’s brighter, hearts are lighter
When you’re wearing a great big smile

~Dean Martin

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