Too Naked for Texas

Alicia Silverstone’s PETA ad is too risqué for Texas television

Proving once again that Americans are the most uptight people in all of western civilization, an ad for PETA was recently banned from Texas television stations. The ad features a naked Alicia Silverstone swimming around in what appears to be a Roman bath and enjoying every minute of it.

Alicia Silverstone’s PETA ad is too risqué for Texas television

Proving once again that Americans are the most uptight people in all of western civilization, an ad for PETA was recently banned from Texas television stations. The ad features a naked Alicia Silverstone swimming around in what appears to be a Roman bath and enjoying every minute of it.

It’s the latest in PETA’s ‘I’d Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur’ campaign. This is far more enjoyable than watching news footage of protesters throwing red paint on unsuspecting socialites. I’ve never worn fur, not for any overt political or animal rights reasons. It just seems so pointless.

But even as someone who has never invested any hard earned cash on the hides of some cute innocent rodent, I feel I can learn from this video. And I can’t think of a better way to educate myself about the plight of adorable creatures. So I will watch it over … and over … and over … and …

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