The WineRack & The BeerBelly

At last, a way to feed the need to sneak booze into movie theaters, board meetings, church or wherever.

At last, two products that feed the need to sneak booze into movie theaters, board meetings, church or wherever.

The WineRack & The BeerBelly

After all, isn’t that what life is all about? Getting drunk in the most inappropriate places, at the most inappropriate times? Of course it is.

Buy Now: The WineRack

The WineRack is the perfect balance between complete practicality and utter sexism. I found it funny that the ads for this spent more time telling women about the benefits of appearing to have larger boobs than the advantages of drinking with ease.

Buy Now: The BeerBelly

Strange how the ads for The BeerBelly were not at all about looking better. Just harness this sucker under your shirt and be that fat, drunk bastard all the ladies will love. Or look like a pregnant tranny. Either way, you’re sure to score with this fashion accessory.

Both products come from the NJ-based company Baron Bob.


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