Angie Mason

Three Selected Works

Three Selected Works


Tick Tock
Time to tick a tock or two
get a movin’ tie that shoe!

Out the door
Now don’t be late
snip a snap and shut the gate!

Run a runny runned down egg
slide one down your throat
eat your breakfast eat it quick
eat it on the go!

Got to get there soon as soon
Hope you make it before noon!

Racing rush time is no fun
it always leaves you nervous and numb.

Sweet Me Soup
bubbles bubbles
soapy soup
grab a spoon
and take a scoop

yummy scrumptious
bubble broth
lightly seasoned
not to hot

bubbly bubbles
start to brew
what could it be
Inside this stew?

Out I pop, open wide
it’s sweet me soup
I cooked tonight.

Original Recipe – Angie Mason

Mr. GreenTea Fancy Pants
Mr.GreenTea Fancy Pants
Twirls around and does a dance

Steaming steps a cha-cha-cha
POP…his buttons fly right off

Mr.GreenTea Fancy Pants
what could really be the chance

You’d loose your balance
spinning hot
Now your naked on the spot

See Also:
Angie Mason


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