Wanna help out a good cause?
For those of you who don’t know, I’m hosting an event at Maxwell’s in Hoboken on April 8 to benefit the Global Fund for Women called GFW 2010. Of course I’d love for you all to come, but if you cannot make it for some reason, I could still use some promotional/publicity help from you.
Why is this so important? Because, it’s about more than just promoting the show, it’s about promoting the work of Global Fund for Women. And by spreading the word about GFW 2010, you’ll be doing that.
Any bit of help you can provide would be greatly appreciated and will even earn you reciprocal promotional help (see below).
Ways You Can Help Us:
- Blog about the event and/or about Global Fund for Women
- Link to http://www.stephenbailey.com/gfw2010
- Tweet about it. Here’s a sample with necessary hashtags in place:
A Concert for Global Fund for Women. Coming to Maxwell’s in #Hoboken on April 8 http://bit.ly/9scnBe #gfw2010 - Post on Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, or whatever
- If you are in the Hoboken area, hand out flyers.
Download from here: Download Here. - You can also email the flyer to your friends and family. Download Here.
Ways We Can Help You:
- First, contact me and let me know that you’ve done one or more of the above mentioned things.
- Then, in return, you will get a link back from my official sponsors page.
- If you have flyers promoting your own business or band or whatever that you’d like handed out at the show, contact me to make arrangements.
Thanks in advance for your time and your help!
PS – Anyone who is still interested or in recording a Public Service Announcement Video, click here to find out how.