The Lost Girls Photo Shoot

They needed a cover for their book. They called me. We gathered on the roof of the Empire Hotel in NYC and it was a great setting for the shots.

September 25, 2009: In the summer of 2006, Jennifer Baggett, Holly Corbett and Amanda Pressner took a risk. They left their lives in NYC to travel the world for a year. The adventures they had and the lessons they learned would change them forever. They kept family and friends updated via their blog.

Upon returning, even more fun things happened to further change their lives. First (and most importantly) they became three of my dearest friends. Plus, a real buzz started to build around their story. That buzz found the ear of a publisher (Harper Collins) and The Lost Girls book was conceived.

With a release slated for May 2010, there was much work to be done. Aside from trying to make their whirlwind adventures into a more concise tale for the masses to ingest, they needed to think about the design of the books cover. That’s when I got the call asking for my photographic services.

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I love taking photos (and I do it a lot), but I’m always way too hard on myself to really consider it a vocation. So to have these three friends insist that I take the photo that would appear on the cover of their book was thrilling.

We gathered on the roof of the Empire Hotel in NYC. The outside deck had enough green plants and wood, iron and glass to create some cool settings. Inside, the reds and golds were brilliant. Of course having three beautiful women as subjects didn’t hurt either. Nor did the few bottles of wine.

I’m very proud of the shots we took and you can see some of them in my gallery. I’ve purposely left out the one that was chosen for the cover. Part of me wants it to be a surprise. Another part of me simply doesn’t want to touch it too much. Like a delicate flower or crystal figurine, I’m afraid I’ll break it.

See Also:
The Lost Girls – Gallery
The Lost Girls (website)

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