Save Hoboken’s Parade Day

It’s more than just a parade, it’s good for business

Well folks, it looks like those who benefit from the clean, safe lifestyle in Hoboken are once again complaining about the cause. For years this town has struggled with its own identity.

It’s more than just a parade, it’s good for business

Well folks, it looks like those who benefit from the clean, safe lifestyle in Hoboken are once again complaining about the cause. For years this town has struggled with its own identity. Like it or not, Hoboken is an entertainment town. We’ve learned in the past that imposing restrictions on the bars and restaurants, no matter the intentions, is bad for the town’s revenue.

Now, certain members of the City Council are attempting to curb Hoboken’s St. Patrick’s Parade Day celebrations by forcing the Hospitality Industry to delay opening their doors by five hours. Several residents have complained that Parade Day is somehow not beneficial to the community and are demanding that the Industry remain closed until 11AM on March 3rd.

As was the case in the past when the town tried and failed to set a 1:00 AM curfew, this ruling would not just affect the bars. Being shrouded in the ‘Hospitality’ umbrella, restaurants would be forced to remain closed until 11:00AM on Parade Day as well. And, just as in the past, those who are mounting these complaints are too nearsighted to see that fact.

To say that this parade is not beneficial to the community is just plain ignorant. Parade Day more than any other gives an added boost to the town’s business. It is also directly because of the bars, restaurants and the hospitality industry as a whole that Hoboken has such a high quality of life. Which is ironically the very reason why these people who are complaining moved here in the first place.

Want to help Save the Parade? Go to and sign the petition. You can also attend the next City Council meeting (City Hall 94 Washington St, Hoboken) on February 7th @ 6:30pm to speak up on this matter.

It’s time that the residents and governing officials of this town understand that the only real industry left in this town is hospitality. Destroy it and you destroy the quality of life we’ve all come to take for granted.


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