So you still don’t believe in Global Warming, eh?
I’ve been trying for a while now to come up with an argument against the deniers of Global Warming. I’m not all that old to be saying things like, “Remember when it snowed in the winter?” Oh sure NYC will get one or two decent blustery blasts a year, but I’m talking about real, consistent snow.
The kind of snow that had kids waiting eagerly to hear if schools were closed. The kind of snow that left just enough of a constant frozen undercoating so those kids could ride sleds down a hill. And the kind of snow whose melting at the end of a long, cold Winter signified the much loved coming of Spring and warmer weather.
The fact that this no longer happens is a problem. Deniers need to face the reality that the shit we spew into the air is bad. How they can pretend that it’s not is mind boggling. But what can I do or say to prove it to these closed minds? What will drive home the idea of action vs. reaction?
First we need to stop using the phrase ‘Global Warming’. It implies a very specific problem that, thru some clever spinning, can be denied. The newer phrase ‘Global Climate Change’ that has crept into the lexicon is better, but not perfect. It is still too easy to argue against it with claims of millenia-long weather patterns.
‘Environmental Poisoning’ is a far better phrase to describe what is happening to the planet. Think in terms of your own body and how what you do to (or put into) it effects your health. This got me thinking of an experiment that could finally bring the idea of carbon emissions poisoning our ecosystem and understanding the changes we are seeing in the weather to light.
Of course for this experiment to be a success, the subject must die. Step 1: Park a car into a sealed garage and, with the engine running, roll down the windows. Step 2: Sit back and breathe normally. Now, while the subject lies their dying, the body tries to fight for life. Things change. Heart rate, breathing, brainwaves, nervous system. Nothing functions normally, then … it’s over.
Now try to imagine what effect millions of carbon offenders have on our living planet. Poison is poison people and can cause the ecosystem to change and suffer just the same as our poor, deceased driver. So go ahead and let the deniers deny ‘Global Warming’ or ‘Global Climate Change’. Let them be ignorant, arrogant and foolish while toying with words. We have an environment to save.