‘Ewake’ by The Fave

Featured Song

Joyful and poignant, passionate and fun, catchy rock gems. This band has that rare gift of being both tight and loose at the same time.

Featured Song

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The rousing, opening chants of ‘Ewake’ set the tone and pace for ‘Tomorrow’s June’ by The Fave. This is the debut CD by family and friends who have played a very important part in the Hoboken music scene over the years. Former members of eugene, Butterspy and The Gefkens have formed a solid songwriting team.

Where other bands have failed in the past, The Fave succeeds because they’ve taken their time to do more than just play music together. They understand the value of hanging out. After all, with a brother, a sister, a cousin and a couple of friends in the line up, hanging out is unavoidable.

What came from all this camaraderie are joyful and poignant, passionate and fun, catchy rock gems. The time they’ve spent exploring their craft has given this band that rare gift of being both tight and loose at the same time. And I’m not just saying that because they mention me in the liner notes.

The Fave - Tomorrow's JuneBuy Now!

Live Show:
Come out and celebrate the official release of ‘Tomorrow’s June’ by The Fave at Maxwell’s (1039 Washington St, Hoboken) on May 31, 2008. Show starts at 8:30, cover is $8.00. Also on the bill are Lloyd United, Waking Lights and Tall Days.

See Also:
The Fave


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