Oh Deer!

To be filed under ‘man that sucks’

The Explorers Club ran into van trouble on tour. That is, their van ran into a large deer.

To be filed under ‘man that sucks’

While on tour across America, The Explorers Club ran into some van trouble. That is to say … their van ran into a very large deer. The band members are OK, which is more than can be said for the deer. Or their van for that matter.

The creature took out the van’s radiator, front bumper and grill of the ’98 Dodge leaving them stranded in the middle of Montana. Which, as you know is basically the very middle of the middle of nowhere. They will have to cancel a few west coast shows (Seattle and Portland for sure) as they await repairs.

As you could imagine, the band members are down in the dumps. Having to shell out hotel money–not to mention whatever a mechanic in the middle of nowhere will charge–can spoil anyone’s mood.

If you think you can help–especially if you’re in the area of Forsythe, MT–be sure to contact the band on MySpace. Even if you can’t physically help them, send them some cheer. I’m sure they can use all they can get.

See Also:
The Explorers Club (myspace)


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