Corzine Shuts Down Government Services

How will keeping people out of state parks help the budget?

With the July 5th deadline for shutting NJ down looming, I have questions that need answering. I’m the first to admit to having little understanding about the business of politics. This latest move from NJ Governor Jon Corzine to force through his tax increases and spending decreases just has me plain baffled.

How will keeping people out of state parks help the budget?

With the July 5th deadline for shutting NJ down looming, I have questions that need answering. I’m the first to admit to having little understanding about the business of politics. This latest move from NJ Governor Jon Corzine to force through his tax increases and spending decreases just has me plain baffled.

He is pulling a classic power play by shutting down what he calls non-essential branches. Tell those who work at these places who will be without a paycheck that they are non-essential. And tell that to anyone who needs to get their driver’s license renewed or families that take their children to state parks for vacation.

It’s the bit about closing down the parks that confuses me the most. Can someone tell me how shutting down a viable revenue source during the peak summer season will help the state’s budget woes? It seems to me that this is nothing but yet another case of power going to a governor’s head.

It’s been proven time and time again that such moves as Corzine proposes can only have negative consequences. And guess who pays for it in the end. The taxpaying workers and residents of NJ, that’s who! My opinion is that he is simply looking for more excuses to raise our taxes.

After all of this is said and done, he will undoubtedly get on TV and announce what a negative impact this had on us all. And that now, sadly, the taxpayer will suffer. He will try to lay blame on others when in the end this would all have been his doing.

Shame on him and shame on any leader that pulls this trickery. Shame on us for constantly letting it happen. Will there ever be a truly honest politician? Can we ever sleep quietly knowing that someone, somewhere will actually keep their campaign promises? Remember, Corzine won on a platform of no tax increases and no budget cuts to education.

This forced work stoppage comes as a direct result of him breaking those very promises. We as a people need to stand up to him. Send him letters. Call his office. Start a lawsuit. Go stand in front of the Tea Building in Hoboken where he lives and scream out loud in anger! It’s about time we take the air out of these bloated fuckers who keep insisting that they’re doing this for our own good.

Let them try to live on an average salary. Let them try to decide whether to eat or pay the rent. Let them try to get their children a decent public school education. Corzine and his kind would not last a day in this state if it were not for their wealth.

Contact Governor Corzine
Contact NJ Senators
Contact Your Congressman
Contact the NJ State Legislature
Sign a Petition to Stop the Taxman

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