Dar Williams with The Nields

Live at the John Harms Theater – Englewood, NJ

I was in a very shitty mood this one particular Wednesday morning several weeks ago. Bad night’s sleep, cut myself several times shaving, technical problems on the computer, I hadn’t had a cigarette since a very dear friend took my pack away 4:30 Saturday morning in an attempt to get me to quit, etc, etc.

Live at the John Harms Theater – Englewood, NJ

I was in a very shitty mood this one particular Wednesday morning several weeks ago. Bad night’s sleep, cut myself several times shaving, technical problems on the computer, I hadn’t had a cigarette since a very dear friend took my pack away 4:30 Saturday morning in an attempt to get me to quit, etc, etc. I was running on the fumes of annoyance when I put on Green World by Dar Williams.

Yes I actually felt my mood change as I listened. Suddenly the anger I was feeling seemed completely unfounded and soon, it was gone. I know, I know … corny, but it is that kind of ability to lift the spirit or pique the subconscious that makes a true talent of an artist shine through.

That talent would shine through once again on the night of August 2 at the John Harms Theater in Englewood, NJ. Thanks to my friend Nelson Pla, who was working as tour manager for Dar Williams, I was able to hang back stage for a bit before going to my seat. It is a cozy and intimate Broadway style theater perfect for an acoustic showcase.

After a while, I made my way to my seat. Sitting next to me was Nelson’s brother Joe, his mother Louisa and our friend Jason. I would later find out from message on my phone that a handful of my own family was at this show. Opening the evening were The Nields. A sister act from Massachusetts who shared stories of their drive down with an adorable newborn baby. Dar had several childhood friends in the crowd as she went up to join the Neilds on a tune. All of this added to the down-home, family atmosphere that is at the heart of the folk scene.

Starting out by herself, Dar introduced her songs with delightfully humorous narratives. Percussionist Carol Steele eventually joined her. There was an honest chemistry, both personal and musical, flowing freely between these two ladies.

After the show had ended, it felt as though I was at an old friend’s house or a family gathering. Carol and Louisa were laughing over musings of Cuba. Nelson was talking about a new recording studio across the way with Jason. And, as always, Joe and I were discussing music. And in those moments when Dar was off greeting fans, she did so in a way that made you feel as though she had known them all for years. Soon we were all trading tales of family, life, cats and that bad sense of direction that enabled me, a native of the NY area, to somehow get lost in lower Manhattan just a few nights earlier. It was the kind of small talk that makes time stand still for a moment. Helps you to forget the pressures of the grind and allows the heart to smile.

And that, more than even the fabulous performances, is what I took away from the night. It was the warm feeling that truly opens your eyes to the value of friends. Some old, some brand new. I was a bit disappointed that they had sold out of all but the small sized T-shirts. Oh well, there is always next time.


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