Ukulele Shaft

The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

A bunch of properly-dressed, serious British musicians with kitschy instruments rework the theme from Shaft.

A bit of brilliance from The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Imagine if you will a bunch of properly-dressed, serious British musicians. Now hand them kitschy, often misunderstood Hawaiian instruments and tell them to rework the theme from Shaft.

And this is what you get…

From Their Website:
The Ukulele Orchestra is a group of all-singing, all-strumming Ukulele players, who use instruments bought with loose change, and who believe that all genres of music are available for reinterpretation, as long as they are played on the Ukulele.

See Also:
The Ukulele Orchestra


One Response to “Ukulele Shaft”

  1. uogbfan
    01/08/09 at 7:41 am #

    Only nobody had to tell them to do so. It was their own idea. And they even are a nice bunch of people too.

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