George Bush Goes to Vietnam

It’s about friggin’ time!

Recently our president decided to finally go where he was supposed to go back when his peers were being killed for our country. Vietnam. He also finally made the comparisons of this pointless, politically motivated and unpopular war in Iraq to that very one in Vietnam he so cleverly avoided.

It’s about friggin’ time!

Recently our president decided to finally go where he was supposed to go back when his peers were being killed for our country. Vietnam. He also finally made the comparisons of this pointless, politically motivated and unpopular war in Iraq to that very one in Vietnam he so cleverly avoided.

Has anyone else noticed his new ‘kinder, gentler’ style? Suddenly he’s concerned with saving face. He’s opening diplomatic relationships around the world. The only problem, he continues to do it in places where it is not needed. Vietnam? Indonesia? What the fuck? What about Iran, Iraq, North Korea and so on?

And while he’s on this good will vacation we get to watch as another one of our allies commits an act of sin. Israel recently decided to wage an attack on a crowd of unarmed women. Oh sure, they say it was a mistake but their actions and those of other allies are the very things Bush claims to be fighting.

So let’s let Bush pose for his photo ops and say idiotic things where he defends anti-American protests in Asia. I say they’re idiotic because you know he doesn’t mean what he says. Because the same protests in those countries he considers our enemies are condemned.

My idealistic and optimistic side wants to think these are practice trips. You know, sorta like scrimmage diplomacy in preparation for real challenges in the Middle East. Oh, one can hope … right?

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