John Cena Video

My latest edit features a WWE superstar
This edit posed a couple of challenges for me. A lot of the video was shot from pretty far away.

My latest edit features a WWE superstar

This edit posed a couple of challenges for me. One was the fact that a lot of the video was shot from pretty far away. I wasn’t at the shoot, so I’m not sure what the restrictions on access were. At least during the interview portions of the shoot our camera guy got a little closer.

That brings up the second challenge. The audio.

The place where this was shot is huge, cavernous. So any ambient sound echoed and battled all other sounds trying to squeeze in into the camera’s tiny, tinny mic. While Cena was in ‘character’ (yelling, being all intense), the sound was fine. During the quieter interview portions, it was a extremely muddled.

I did my best to boost the sound and was helped by my friend Ed Turbin (musician, producer, programmer) who really made gold from lead. Well, maybe not gold, but at least bronze. In the end I wish it could be better, but it is what it is.

See Also:
12 Rounds with John Cena
Lifting Like a Champ

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