Lady Gaga Gets It

The right way to react to online fan tributes. While the RIAA and Lars Ulrich will sue anyone who sings along to the radio, Lady Gaga gets it.

Now, you may not be a Lady Gaga fan and I may not be a Lady Gaga fan, but Lady Gaga has a lot of fans. Many of those fans have taken to creating tributes, remakes, mashups and the like as a way to show their love for the queen of wackadoo.

The singer’s popularity has as much to do with her insane persona as it does with the her rabid fans. This created by some friends armed with the new flip cams they had gotten for Christmas caught her eye.

In a simple act of reacting, Lady Gaga posted a link to it on her Twitter page with the simple phrase, “holy shit.”

On Jan 10, at the time of the tweet, the video had about 500 plays. As of writing this only 5 days later, it is at well over a half million plays. And as far as I know, no lawyers have come knocking.

While the RIAA and Lars Ulrich try desperately to sue anyone who sings along to the radio, Lady Gaga gets it. She’s among a growing group of artists who get how these tributes, no matter how on the edge of copyright infringement they may be, are helping way more than they are hurting.

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