Where Are All the Honest Leaders?

Does virtue in leadership only exist in fiction? Somewhere there has to be a stable of honest men and women waiting to infiltrate and deflate the corruption.

As the mayor of Hoboken and dozens of others were being hauled off in handcuffs amid their own cries of innocence, folks asked me what I thought. All I could bring myself to say was, “I’m not surprised, but I really wish I was.”

Just once I’d like to be surprised by the actions of a politician. I’d like to wake up to the news that a government official turned down a bribe or didn’t hire a hooker or didn’t smoke crack or didn’t fly off to some South American hideaway on the taxpayers’ dime just to fuck his mistress.

I want the ideal leader that Hollywood can so easily create, but reality can’t get a grip on. One that has his faults yes, but in the end always seems to do and say the right things. I want someone like:

President Andrew Shepherd [The American President]
Jefferson Smith [Mr. Smith Goes to Washington]
Dave Kovic impersonating President Bill Mitchell [Dave]
President Josiah ‘Jed’ Bartlet [The West Wing]
Captain Jean-Luc Picard [Star Trek: The Next Generation]
Sheriff Andy Taylor [The Andy Griffith Show]
President Thomas J. Whitmore [Independence Day]
Mayor Randall Winston [Spin City]
President David Palmer [24]

Instead, all we ever seem to get is Mayor Quimby [The Simpsons].

Oh sure, there’s Newark Mayor Cory Booker who still lives in the projects and goes out on nightly drives to reach out to the people. And Jersey City Mayor Jeremiah Healy who sings and dances with the independent art scene in his city.

But in the midst of this latest and largest shakedown of corrupt governing officials and religious leaders, can we even trust these guys. I don’t mean to imply that they themselves are corrupt (they could be, but that’s not my point). Rather I’m asking, is it even possible for a good person to work clean in our government?

Take for example the story of temporary New Jersey Governor Richard Codey who took over when Jim McGreevy stepped down in shame in 2004. In his short stint as acting governor, Codey gained an unheard of trust and comforting popularity with citizens. So much so that we wanted him to take on the job full time.

However, Codey declined to run in that following election. While the official party line is that he just could not compete with Jon Corzine’s mega moneybags and media connections, Codey has stated publicly that being governor of New Jersey would mean having to compromise his principles.

So a good, honest man could not compete with the slime. That is what sickens me. And to all you middle-America blowhards who say this is politics as usual for New Jersey, keep in mind that your guys ain’t any better.

This is widespread thru this nation and the world. It’s part of human nature to abuse power and think you can get away with it. And maybe I’m an idealistic fool, but a guy can dream of a better way.

Somewhere out there is a stable of honest men and women waiting to infiltrate and deflate the corruption. Perhaps this latest scandal that took down so many shady characters will open some doors for them.

And maybe, just maybe … they will walk thru and the tide will turn.

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One Response to “Where Are All the Honest Leaders?”

  1. Mark McKennon
    08/06/09 at 4:07 pm #


    Jeroll LeBaron compiles/edits/emails a bi-monthly newsletter about screenplays and screen writing opportunities. This site, however, is far different. If presidents on down followed his precepts, we would indeed have at least some of the species of leaders in fact that your movie lists suggests we get only in fiction.

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