‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’

My nephew’s film accepted into the Garden State Film Festival

This is another amazing piece from my nephew Nick Wager whose talent for visuals and storytelling keeps growing with each film.

My nephew’s film accepted into the Garden State Film Festival

This is another amazing piece from my nephew Nick Wager whose talent for visuals and storytelling keeps growing with each film. Not to mention his awesome taste in music (that’s my band Ya-Ne-Zniyoo in the opening sequence). Oh and watch towards the end for my logo to pop up. Yeah I’m a dork, I know.

This is a very serious piece that really hit home for me. I am that guy who always thinks time is too tight, always overwhelmed by work to the point where my free time is spent worrying about work. The depression and anxiety can foster unhealthy thoughts. We’ve never spoken about it but teenage perception can be quite vivid.

The Garden State Film Festival takes place in Asbury Park, NJ from April 4 – 6, 2008. Their mission is to introduce audiences to local, independent filmmakers. In doing this they’re helping revitalize a cultural presence in Asbury Park which suffered along with the economic downfall of recent decades.

See Also:
prodi-G films (Nick’s YouTube page)
Garden State Film Festival

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