‘Go’ by clueLess

Featured Song

Rock, Middle-Eastern, Celtic and Latin influences with a keen sense of melody and lyrics. And I’m not just saying that because they’re my friends either.

Featured Song

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There comes a time in everyone’s life where you realize that you’ve known someone longer than you haven’t. I won’t say just how long I’ve known Nelson and Josep Pla. Let’s just leave it at a long, long time. We’ve jammed together in their basement on many occasions. Nelson was the original drummer in my band Ya-Ne-Zniyoo.

clueLess is the culmination of a lifetime of working, writing and living together for the brothers Pla. They mix rock, Middle-Eastern, Celtic and Latin influences with a keen sense of melody and progressive lyrics. And I’m not just saying that because they’re my friends either.

This is a truly original project with a level of talent and flexibility which allows them to perform in any situation. Whether it be just the two of them or a larger ensemble such as the one that performed on ‘Go’. Violins, cello, bass, etc. all produced in that basement which evolved from a place to jam to an all out recording studio.

Plus, ‘Go’ just screams for jazz hands when one dances to the chorus.

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