Corzine Announces State Restart

Scare tactics worked as the State re-opens services

I had gotten some minor, constructive flack from folks, including my friend singer/songwriter Dave Calamoneri, for being so harsh solely on the governor during this short but scary crisis. He helped to clear up one vital point. It takes the entire group of governing bodies (Assembly, Senate, etc.) to so majorly fuck up a state’s budget and force us into such a stoppage.

Scare tactics worked as the State re-opens services

I had gotten some minor, constructive flack from folks, including my friend singer/songwriter Dave Calamoneri, for being so harsh solely on the governor during this short but scary crisis. He helped to clear up one vital point. It takes the entire group of governing bodies (Assembly, Senate, etc.) to so majorly fuck up a state’s budget and force us into such a stoppage.

Still I have to say that it was Corzine that touted the stalemate as a political weapon. Sure, it worked in his favor and yes he will undoubtedly try to now claim it as a clear victory. The fact that the State Legislature let this happen is equally as evil. In just this short period of time, NJ lost a great deal of money and very likely destroyed several political careers—ok maybe that last bit ain’t so bad.

Forgive me as I give just a smidgen of credit to Corzine’s plan. Again, thanks to Dave and a little research on my part for opening my eyes to this. The 1% raise in sales tax can actually help us out if the revenue is used as has been proposed (and sadly you know it won’t be).

About half of the $1.1 billion this increase would produce has supposedly been earmarked to lower the out of control property taxes here. The other half would help seal up the budget woes. Plus the very nature of a consumption tax would lay the burden more heavily upon wealthy shoulders. And man I’m all for that.

But that’s it. I cannot condone what happened these past few days. To put such a burden on the budget in a game meant to help the budget is just illogical. There has to be other solutions such as taxing religious groups. I have said for years that it’s unfair that money churning machines such as churches, temples and whatever are free from paying taxes. Just think of the lost revenue there.

Another point Dave and I agreed on; can we please stop with this increasing of so called ‘sin’ taxes? Meanwhile the YMCA, various hospitals and the government have opened non-profit, tax-exempt adult fitness centers. This leaves us poor sickly, outta-shape, smoking, alcoholic gamblers to pay the rest. And I have enough things to worry about thank you very much.

Remember … to everything turn, turn, turn … thanks to spin doctors turn, turn, turn. We may never know the full truth but ripping off ‘We the People’ is easier to spot than you think. It’s up to us to seek out the lack of logic in the world of politics and put things on the right path.

Keep the debate going. It’s OK to disagree. It’s OK to consider the other guy’s argument. No matter what you’ve heard, it’s what America is supposed to be.

Contact Governor Corzine
Contact NJ Senators
Contact Your Congressman
Contact the NJ State Legislature
Sign a Petition to Stop the Taxman

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