Sense & Sensimilla

A podcast dedicated to the legalization of marijuana

There’s a grave misconception being perpetuated by our government’s so-called ‘War on Drugs’ that states the only people fighting for the legalization of marijuana are potheads. I for one am not a pothead by even the slightest of margins.

A podcast dedicated to the legalization of marijuana

There’s a grave misconception being perpetuated by our government’s so-called ‘War on Drugs’ that states the only people fighting for the legalization of marijuana are potheads. I for one am not a pothead by even the slightest of margins. I smoke once a year at most on a special occasion. Still I am 100% behind the legalization, not only of marijuana in every form, but all street drugs.

Why? Simple. Think back to the days of Prohibition. At the time our government was smart enough to realize the error in their ways. They knew that the severity and frequency of crimes committed in the name of bootlegging far outweighed those of consumption. And when Prohibition was repealed, gangsters needed to find a new livelihood. That came in the form of drugs which has brought a culture of violent crime to every corner, nook and cranny of our country.

I don’t know what your position on this may be, but I found a great resource for information in a podcast and website called Sense & Sensimilla. Run by Pastor Blunts and The Chronic Avenger, the podcast hopes to open the eyes of society to the fact that marijuana should not be demonized the way it historically has been. Ever see the movie ‘Reefer Madness’? In doing this they have created a compelling array of monologues, interviews and blogs.

You may not agree with everything Sense & Sensimilla has to say. I know I don’t. But then again, what kind of a free world would this be if everyone agreed on everything. Still, one truth is evident above the rest of it and that is the US Government’s illogical view on drug use. Categorizing pot and heroin as the same makes no sense. Alcohol being accepted and celebrated despite being far more dangerous than pot doesn’t make sense.

This is an important issue because this funny little plant has, in its many forms, proven to be a lot more than a way for hippies to get high. It’s been effective in the treatment of glaucoma, alzheimer’s, cancer, schizophrenia and more. Non-narcotic marijuana (hemp) has been touted as the single greatest fiber for use in all sorts of industry including clothing. And yet in some parts of the country, even growing that which has little to no THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, or the stuff that gets you high) can be as illegal as running a meth lab.

So whether you’re a smoker or not, I urge you to stay informed and educated. Listen to Sense & Sensimilla and go read what the government or other supporters of prohibition have to say if you feel the need for comparison. Weigh the differences for your self and make up your own mind. As a person who is pretty much a non-smoker, I was surprised at the shear volume of information I could get from Sense & Sensimilla in support of legalization. In my opinion, it far outweighs the arguments for prohibition.

See Also:
Sense and Sensimilla

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