Horses of Hoboken

And the wisdom of a child

I was walking home from the store the other day and I could hear the familiar clip-clop of horseshoes on asphalt. I looked up and there were two Hoboken cops on horseback strolling down the quiet, tree-lined Eleventh Street.

And the wisdom of a child

I was walking home from the store the other day and I could hear the familiar clip-clop of horseshoes on asphalt. I looked up and there were two Hoboken cops on horseback strolling down the quiet, tree-lined Eleventh Street.

The first thought to run thru my head was how silly it is that Hoboken has a Calvary. What a waste of taxpayer money. Horseback patrols are mainly used in large cities for the control of unruly or riotous crowds. I doubt Hoboken is in danger of stroller-pushing, stock-trading yuppies taking violently to the streets.

Soon after these thoughts and the horses passed by, a child walking in front of me who was no older than maybe seven or eight, waved to the cops and then said to his mother, “That is the stupidest thing ever.” God bless the wisdom of a child. If he can see the lunacy in this, why can’t the city?

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