The Governator’s Fuck You Veto

If this is real, it’s pretty freakin’ cool.
If this bit of Governator lore is true, it’s his wittiest and most poignant moment ever.

If this is real, it’s pretty freakin’ cool.

There’s no doubt that Arnold Schwarzenegger has a sense of humor. It’s just that some of the things he says aren’t very funny. However, if this latest bit of Governator lore is true, it’s probably his wittiest and most poignant moment ever.

It seems that Schwarzenegger was unhappy with a bill that had crossed his desk, mainly because of other problems the Legislature had been allegedly ignoring. He decided to veto it—as is his right and duty as governor—complete with a coded message to the State Assembly.

What makes this seem very real is that there is a link to the original letter on the California State Government’s website. What makes it possibly fake is the ease in which something like this can be created. I just hope it’s real.

See Also:
Link to Original Letter

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