Jeremy Piven Video

My latest video edit for Men’s Fitness
OK I confess, I’ve never seen Entourage. I know, I know, but I haven’t had HBO in like 15 years!

My latest video edit for Men’s Fitness

OK, I confess … I’ve never seen Entourage. I know, I know … but I haven’t had HBO in like 15 years, so. Phew! I had to get that off my chest. Still, I’m a fan of Jeremy Piven. Two of my favorite things to watch him in are ‘Grosse Pointe Blank’ and ‘Journey of a Lifetime where he took a life-changing trek thru India.

It was in ‘Journey of a Lifetime’ that I first heard him confess his love of Yoga and Eastern meditation. So when Men’s Fitness — a magazine historically thought of as catering to muscleheads — announced Piven would be on their August 2009 cover, I was intrigued.

This video posed a few problems in that much of it was shot on a beach. A shaky camera dominated much of the raw footage of Piven frolicking in and around the water. Luckily, once they moved indoors, things calmed down. The interview portion was sans boom or lapel mic, so the sound is a bit iffy there. I did what I could to boost it. Plus, the waves crashing and wind blowing were no help.

Alright, enough of my bitching and complaining. In the end, I think it came out pretty good and the royalty-free stock music fits perfectly.

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